Tuesday, March 8, 2011

school invites procrastination

I have finally (?) realized that it's not ME that is a procrastinator--it's SCHOOL. If there is one thing I will keep from doing until the very last moment, it is school related. Now, I'm really not a good procrastinator...really, i probably fail at procrastinating compared to someone else. However 99.999% of my procrastination efforts can be tied back to homework, school reading, or school planning. I mean, what do you think I'm avoiding right now? I'll give you one guess.
On the other hand, it feels good to accomplish something each day (or each week). I wouldn't want to stop taking classes because of the work-it's the work that eventually creates the sense of accomplishment and keeps me going. Today was on of those days where I was not looking forward to reading and writing for class. Now that I'm in the midst of it, it really is exciting. Though not super exciting or I would be here right now. On that note, maybe I should get back to work.

Random fun Davis photo: