Saturday, September 12, 2009

We won tickets! too bad I was in Chicago...
Megz sad it was fun though!
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Of all the things to miss the WHEEL taping for, I guess Wait Wait is a good choice...and I'll be in Chicago so that is also a double plus plus! However my attempts to figure out who will be the guest/on the panel this week have been thwarted. I guess it's TBD till you get there.
This also leads me to believe that Wait Wait probably has no idea who will guest star/ be on the panel until a few minutes before the show when some funny/half famous people happen to show up at the Chase Auditorium. An NPR clusterfuck, and that is fine by me, really.

But I am still a little bitter that I'll be missing Pat and Vanna, and yelling garishly at any contestants that buy vowels.