Thursday, August 4, 2011


i'm not writing my grad school essay.
i'm also not figuring out my 403b issues.
and lastly, i'm not dealing with my missing check for the 20th day in a row.

out at nooner tomorrow to go to becket! priorities!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ahh hhaaayaha

That is my chant for the sun! It also rises. And the clouds dissipate! Shoo clouds!

hmm...what have I done for the past 20 days? Worked. Saw Dar! Seriously drunk Woo Girls in the back attempted to ruin the show. Finished class and read a few fun books. All in all, I am a boring person.

I've taken to photographing fruit and my herb garden:
herb garden. Thyme sticks up. i also dropped a lottt of seeds in that pot which is why there are so many...
I call this one "Banavocado"

Oh, and please watch this thankyouverymuch:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Inman to Central...A Walking Movie

This is for the nerda and clove, since they should remember what they are missing while they are in big ol' Texas.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

rain and sign

Dear Blog,
Today is a sad day. Rain rain don't bother going away because you match my mood.
Andrea and Chris are leaving now, and my grocery shopping trip left me alone with my tears. Good job Kelly. I was okay until I was in line and realized I forgot soy sauce. Double whammy.

So since then, not too bad. Holding it together and keeping it positive.

On another note, if anyone can decipher this sign, it would be much appreciated. Foodmaster is tricky:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

school invites procrastination

I have finally (?) realized that it's not ME that is a procrastinator--it's SCHOOL. If there is one thing I will keep from doing until the very last moment, it is school related. Now, I'm really not a good procrastinator...really, i probably fail at procrastinating compared to someone else. However 99.999% of my procrastination efforts can be tied back to homework, school reading, or school planning. I mean, what do you think I'm avoiding right now? I'll give you one guess.
On the other hand, it feels good to accomplish something each day (or each week). I wouldn't want to stop taking classes because of the work-it's the work that eventually creates the sense of accomplishment and keeps me going. Today was on of those days where I was not looking forward to reading and writing for class. Now that I'm in the midst of it, it really is exciting. Though not super exciting or I would be here right now. On that note, maybe I should get back to work.

Random fun Davis photo:

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Own Oscars

How disappointing were the Oscars this year? Even Oprah's cameo couldn't breathe life into the show. I still had fun competing watching with friends. I now owe a friend a golden Oscar tinfoil trophy to be displayed on a nonexistent mantelpiece.
 In other news and updates since the posts of yore:
1. The Wailin' Jennys are coming to the theater (above).Tickets yea or nay?
2. Community Gardens--two year waiting list!! This just means we need more gardens. Will talk to garden dude at the next farmer's market.
3. Swimming-good and bad. Good workouts, bad dry skin. Apart of dipping myself directly into body lotion I don't know how to rectify this situation.  For the time being, I am taking a swimming hiatus.  Running and other exercisings are still on the table.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Story of E-Waste

So many toxins, and so much waste! I'm keeping this in mind the next time I "recycle" my e-waste.

I'm a little afraid to watch anything else from the Stories of Stuff projects...